注:这是我们目前正在开发的版本。目前只在测试阶段,如果您想协助测试或提交反馈,请访问我们的eMule Beta测试小组

eMule v0.48a Build 070614 beta [2007-06-14]
+ Begun to support Vista operating system
* Increase the reliability UPNP
* Increasing L2L speed transmission performance
* Modification bug : update the wrong location
* Modification bug : Some search filter invalid
* Amendment bug : Kad network disconnect sometimes not even important
+ Provides a convenient way to remove search history
+ Based on open source exchange function NatTrans
+ Based on open source exchange Callback Function
Homepage: http://www.emule.org.cn/download/
BetaGroupe: http://beta.verycd.com/groups/eMuleBeta/168158.topic
Download Mirrors (Installer Version + BIN only):
eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070614Beta.exe (4.33 MB)
eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070614-Update.exe (2.38 MB)*
*Update means only bin (no uneeded installer)
1 comment:
Please OSX and Linux Clients
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